In the past weeks I was thinking a lot about what the conversations and discussions I was listening to in the radio, tv and with family and friends are
Energy Consumption of Bitcoins
Bitcoins run on blockchains which have a huge CO2 output due to massive energy consumption.
The Importance of Measuring your Companies Footprint
If you have read my blog post on how you can implement the SDGs into your company, you will remember the second step after understanding the SDGs – it
The Importance of Cross-Sector Collaboration
There is a common understanding of the urgent need for change towards sustainable business practices. At the same time far too little is done by the relevant sectors in
Sustainable Development Goals and what they mean for Businesses.
For those who have not heard of the SDGs before – they are, so to say the wold’s strategy on how to change our planet towards sustainability. They consist
Population Growth or the Interrelation of Food, Water and Energy
There are dangerous pressures from the growing demand for food, water, and energy that will be placed on these finite resources and are fuelled by factors such as climate
Review: Sustainability Business Management Course
This blog post is about my experience and key learnings of the Sustainability Management Course at the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL). Corona had many down-sides, but for
Half Time at Cambridge Sustainability Business Course
It’s already half time of my sustainability leadership course at the CISL and oh dear, I did not know what I was signing up for (in a positive way).
mubymi goes Cambridge
These are turbulent and exciting times where it is important not to forget the health of our planet in addition to our own health. I am convinced that sustainability
Corona: Up- and Downsides for Sustainability
Besides the numbers of death those infected and recovered which are published daily, there are also economic and climate- relevant numbers in discussion. On the one hand, the economy
The Impact of Corona on Sustainability
Images are going around the world from NASA showing the air pollution in certain regions of the globe before and during the lock-down. Thus the immense recovery of the
Basic Steps towards Sustainability
…which should be mandatory for every company. There are some institutions that deal with sustainability in companies and the development towards a (more) sustainable economy. The world’s largest initiative
Choose your Bank Wisely
In my last blog post I have written about the power of money and the responsibilities involved. Eco- and ethical banks are becoming increasingly popular. Unfortunately, mainly in the
Why Everyone is Obliged to Invest
Have you ever thought about what the bank institute does with the money you have in your saving account? You probably know that they are investing it. If you
Do your incentives match your convictions?
Have you ever been in a situation in which you had to make a decision and you have decided against the “feel-good option” because you were influenced by other
Why I started mubymi
Wow, as I am writing this first post I am realising that this is a dream coming true for me. Being able to share what I am learning and