About this blog


We can not continue to operate outside the limits of our planet. If we do not change our actions we will damage the ecosystems we rely on beyond repair. 
More and more consumers have understood that situation and are looking for sustainable products and services. At the same time governments are introducing policies to speed up the process.

My vision is to create a more sustainable economy through posts that make people consider their environment whenever making a decision – not only in their private life but mainly in their business environment. 

I hope to help you and your company to adjust to the changing circumstances and support your journey towards a sustainable economy.

Hopefully my blogposts will become “multiplied by millions” and set off actions triggering change towards sustainability.

Dive into the blog entries and let me know what you think!


When companies become able to generate additional value within their value chain by changing it to an environmental and social friendly one, many customers are willing to pay more for the products or services.*


*Source: https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/264571/umfrage/kaeufertypen-zahlungsbereitschaft-fuer-umweltfreundliche-produkte/

...and who writes this blog?

My name is Franziska. I am a life lover, adventurer and eager to contribute to the protection of this beautiful world. 

If you’ve already read a few blog entries, you may have realized that I have a business background. I received the Master of Arts in Business after two years of infinite commitment and hard work, as I studied while working. 

Recently, I finished a program at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and got a certificate as a Business Sustainability Manager. I am looking forward to share my knowledge and help businesses become sustainable.

Read why I started this blog. 



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